Debug Cheats

Cheat codes were originally intended as testing elements for developers. When games began to be ship with these codes still included, they became a favorite for players to experiment with and use as shortcuts past irksome obstacles. Although player-side cheats like GreedIsGood and Black Sheep Wall still exist in StarCraft II, there are many more cheats that you can enable to ease development and testing of your projects. Below you’ll find a list of these debug cheats for easy reference.

Test Document Cheats

When testing a document from the editor, the Test Document Cheats are available. These are special chat commands that allow for game-time actions like creating units and modifying resources. They save developers from having to hand design special triggers for commonly performed testing tasks. These cheats are broken down in the table below.

Cheat Effect
Ally Changes all alliance states between the selected players. By default, if you just type ‘Ally,’ all players will share all alliance states with you.
AllianceDefeat Changes the Defeat alliance state between the selected players. By default, if you just type ‘AllianceDefeat,’ all players will share defeat with you.
AllianceControl Changes the Control alliance state between the selected players. By default, if you just type ‘AllianceControl,’ then all players share control with you.
AllianceGiveHelp Changes the GiveHelp alliance state between the selected players. By default, if you just type ‘AllianceGiveHelp,’ all players will respond to calls for help from your units.
AlliancePassive Changes the Passive alliance state between the selected players. Players that you are not passive with will be considered hostile for attacking purposes.
AlliancePushable Changes the Pushable alliance state between the selected players. This controls whether a player’s units will move through another player’s units, pushing them out of the way.
AllianceSeekHelp Changes the SeekHelp alliance state between the selected players. Controls whether a player’s units call for help to the specified target player. The target player can choose to respond or not, depending on its GiveHelp alliance setting.
AllianceSpend Changes the Spend alliance state between the selected players. Players that you are sharing resources with are allowed to spend your money to purchase things.
AllianceTrade Changes the Trade alliance state between the selected players. Players that you are trading with can be sent resources.
AllianceVision Changes the Vision alliance state between the selected players.
BehaviorAdd Adds the requested behavior to the selected units.
BehaviorDuration Sets the duration of the requested behavior.
BehaviorRemove Removes the requested behavior from the selected units.
Charges Toggles spell charge validation.
Cooldown Toggles spell cooldown validation.
Creep Adds creep at the cursor position given the requested radius.
DamageDealt Multiplies the amount of damage dealt by a player’s units by the specified value. By default, this will multiply the damage dealt by 10 for the cheating player
DamageTaken Multiplies the amount of damage taken by a player’s units by the specified value. By default, this will reduce all damage taken to 0 for the cheating player.
DeathAll Kills all units on the map.
DeathExcept Kills all units on the map except the selected units.
DeathSide Kills all units owned by the selected player.
DeathUnit Kills the selected units. The type of death can be specified as a parameter.
Defeat Ends the game in defeat for the selected player.
DestroyPersistent Destroys all persistent effects within the specified radius of the cursor.
Effect Executes the requested effect from the selected units.
FastBuild Toggles fast building, research, and training times.
FastHeal Toggles fast healing times.
Fidget Forces selected units to perform the specified fidget type.
Food Toggles food usage validation.
Free Toggles resource cost validation and expenditure.
God Turns on god mode for the selected player. Units owned by players that are in god mode will deal amplified damage, and take no damage.
Loot Drops a type of loot for the specified player.
MakeUnit Creates N units for the specified player. Units will be created around the cursor position, or in the center of the map if the cursor position is invalid.
Minerals Adds the specified amount of minerals to the selected player.
Move Moves the selected units to the cursor position.
NoDefeat Disables defeat conditions.
NoVictory Disables victory conditions.
Order Orders the selected units to use an ability.
Owner Changes ownership for the selected units to the selected player.
ResourceCustom Adds the specified amount of a custom resource to the selected player.
SetAll Sets the life, shields, and energy of the selected units to the specified value. By default, this will set these values to the maximum amount.
SetLife Sets the life of the selected units to the specified value.
SetEnergy Sets the energy of the selected units to the specified value.
SetShields Sets the shields of the selected units to the specified value.
SetResource Sets the harvestable resources contained by the selected units to the specified value.
ShowMap Toggles fog of war display and validation.
Speed Changes the game speed to the any positive value. (for reference: 1.0 = normal, 1.4 = faster)
TechTree Toggles tech tree dependency validation.
Terrazine Adds the specified amount of terrazine to the specified player.
Tie Marks all undecided players with the tie result.
TimeOfDay Sets the time of day to the specified time.
TimeOfDayRate Sets the rate that the time of day changes to the specified value. trigger debug window.
TrigRun Runs the specified trigger.
Uncreep Removes creep at the cursor position given the requested radius.
Undecided Marks the selected player’s result as undecided.
Upgrade Applies the selected upgrade to the selected player.
Vespene Adds the specified amount of vespene gas to the specified player.
Victory Ends the game in defeat for all players that don’t share the defeat alliance state with the selected player.
XP Adds a relative amount of XP to the selected units. This can be used to change veterancy levels.

An example trial of some of these test document cheats is shown below.

Test Document Cheats Test Document Cheats

It should be noted that there is no way to enable these cheats for multiplayer tests. Should you require something similar, you’ll need to devise a custom solution. If some mixture between private and public testing is desired, it is recommended to limit access to cheats to yourself as the developer and trusted parties only. This can be done with secrecy, but a better method is to use player handles and make a check of them upon either entering the game or within the conditions of each cheat trigger. Doing so will ensure that only a hardcoded list of players has access to your equivalent of test document cheats in multiplayer trials. You can see one example a system like this below.

Multiplayer Test Document Cheats Multiplayer Test Document Cheats

Actor Cheats

When testing a document from the editor, Actor Cheats are also available. These cheats provide a number of ways to create and control Actors without needing to create custom testing provisions. It should be noted that

actor cheats are the only way to debug actors, as the Trigger Debugger does not contain any information about them due to their asynchronous nature. Actor cheats are similar to test document cheats in that they are activated by entering text into the in-game chat.

A particularly useful actor cheat command is actorinfodisplay. This command will display an in-game overlay showing how many actors and actor scopes are currently active, along with other useful information. The following images show the actor stats before and after a stress test trial.

Before Actor Stress Test – After Actor Stress Test